Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fall/Winter 2010

After fishing the 2010 Viking Bassmasters Invitational, I was all pumped up to go bass fishing.  Nick and I were able to get out a couple more times before the ice took over. As a matter of fact I caught this fish on opening deer hunting. It was cold and blowing, but we decided to see if we could scare a few bass up.  We met our club pres. John out on Bebe Lake.  He was slaughtering them - some really nice sized fish, but Nick and I struggled.  John had to take off early so he gave us a couple of tips and Nick and I tried them out.  The result was this big 4+ pounder, but it was our only one on Bebe. 

I was rubbing it in and Nick was pretty frustrated so we headed over to Maple Lake where Nick proceeded to kick my ass. He must have caught 20 - 30 bass on a jig and I don't think I even caught one on Maple. I think he might have been "front-ending" me, just kidding. 

Anyway, that was my last day out in 2010 and the winter was pretty tough for me.  With this new bass fishing addiction setting in, all I wanted to was start stock piling new lures and gear.  Having a baby on the way made that pretty difficult.  Besides, I still didn't really know what lures and techniques I liked so I had to take it easy.  Luckily there were a few nice days and Nick found some open water on the river so we could chase some smallies and have some fun.  I had never really been river fishing before so I struggled, but it was pretty cool watching Nick working a tube and being able to pull in them smallies.  It was definitely a learning experience for me.

Then in March, my daughter Emma was born and my life changed forever (for the better of course) and fishing was put on the back burner for awhile.  Luckily, taking care of her and momma took up the rest of my winter and spring and the next thing I knew it was bass season in MN and I was getting ready for my first club tournament.  I just have to say one thing, my daughter is truly amazing and I can't wait to take her fishing some day.

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