Thursday, April 5, 2012

March 31, 2012

I went fishing on the Mississippi River down by St Paul Park last Saturday with some friends from the bass club.  We had three boats and a new club member, Ryan, was in my boat with me.  Neither of us had fished this section of the river before, so we were excited to give it a try.  We got on the water around 8am and headed down river.  We found a large shallow flat with a channel along side of it and began by throwing rattle traps and crank baits. We worked that for quite a while but didn't find anything.  We continued working down river and got into some backwater areas. Ryan caught a small largemouth on a jig and I followed with a couple more small ones. We continued working down river but didn't have much luck.  We went back to where we caught the small ones and proceeded to catch a few more.  We moved up river a bit and caught a couple more.  We got a call from one of the other boats when they caught a 4.14 lb largemouth in the same area we were working earlier.  We worked back through that same area and managed to find a couple smallmouths and some more largemouths.  We spent most of the afternoon in that area pitching jigs and stick worms.  We ended around 4:30pm with about 15-20 fish caught for the day. Nothing as big as the other boat, our largest was about 3 lbs and most were around 2 lbs or smaller. Definitely a good day fishing considering it was March and the weather was 20 degrees colder than forecasted.

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